Christmas closure 2020-2021

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Christmas closure 2020-2021 Hot Melt gluing systems and Coating lines

Christmas closure 2020-2021 | ItalianoChristmas closure 2020-2021 | Inglese

Home News Christmas closure 2020-2021

Christmas closure 2020-2021

Christmas closure 2020-2021

Christmas closure 2020-2021

Bridarolli srl will be closed for Christmas holiday from 31st December 2020 until 08th January 2021 included.


Trusting in a Happy New Year for everybody,

Bridarolli srl team

Christmas closure 2020-2021

Bridarolli srl - via F.lli Bandiera, 9/L - Muggiò (MB) | T. +39 039.5986639 |

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